60 research outputs found

    A New Recursive Least-Squares Method with Multiple Forgetting Schemes

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    We propose a recursive least-squares method with multiple forgetting schemes to track time-varying model parameters which change with different rates. Our approach hinges on the reformulation of the classic recursive least-squares with forgetting scheme as a regularized least squares problem. A simulation study shows the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Automated and Sound Synthesis of Lyapunov Functions with SMT Solvers

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    In this paper we employ SMT solvers to soundly synthesise Lyapunov functions that assert the stability of a given dynamical model. The search for a Lyapunov function is framed as the satisfiability of a second-order logical formula, asking whether there exists a function satisfying a desired specification (stability) for all possible initial conditions of the model. We synthesise Lyapunov functions for linear, non-linear (polynomial), and for parametric models. For non-linear models, the algorithm also determines a region of validity for the Lyapunov function. We exploit an inductive framework to synthesise Lyapunov functions, starting from parametric templates. The inductive framework comprises two elements: a learner proposes a Lyapunov function, and a verifier checks its validity - its lack is expressed via a counterexample (a point over the state space), for further use by the learner. Whilst the verifier uses the SMT solver Z3, thus ensuring the overall soundness of the procedure, we examine two alternatives for the learner: a numerical approach based on the optimisation tool Gurobi, and a sound approach based again on Z3. The overall technique is evaluated over a broad set of benchmarks, which shows that this methodology not only scales to 10-dimensional models within reasonable computational time, but also offers a novel soundness proof for the generated Lyapunov functions and their domains of validity

    Data-driven Abstractions for Verification of Deterministic Systems

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    A common technique to verify complex logic specifications for dynamical systems is the construction of symbolic abstractions: simpler, finite-state models whose behaviour mimics the one of the systems of interest. Typically, abstractions are constructed exploiting an accurate knowledge of the underlying model: in real-life applications, this may be a costly assumption. By sampling random â„“\ell-step trajectories of an unknown system, we build an abstraction based on the notion of â„“\ell-completeness. We newly define the notion of probabilistic behavioural inclusion, and provide probably approximately correct (PAC) guarantees that this abstraction includes all behaviours of the concrete system, for finite and infinite time horizon, leveraging the scenario theory for non convex problems. Our method is then tested on several numerical benchmarks

    Augmented Neural Lyapunov Control

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    Machine learning-based methodologies have recently been adapted to solve control problems. The Neural Lyapunov Control (NLC) method is one such example. This approach combines Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers to synthesise stabilising control laws and to prove their formal correctness. The ANNs are trained over a dataset of state-space samples to generate candidate control and Lyapunov functions, while the SMT solvers are tasked with certifying the correctness of the Lyapunov function over a continuous domain or by returning a counterexample. Despite the approach’s attractiveness, issues can occur due to subsequent calls of the SMT module at times returning similar counterexamples, which can turn out to be uninformative and may lead to dataset overfitting. Additionally, the control network weights are usually initialised with pre-computed gains from state-feedback controllers, e.g. Linear-Quadratic Regulators. To properly perform the initialisation requires user time and control expertise. In this work, we present an Augmented NLC method that mitigates these drawbacks, removes the need for the control initialisation and further improves counterexample generation. As a result, the proposed method allows the synthesis of nonlinear (as well as linear) control laws with the sole requirement being the knowledge of the system dynamics. The ANLC is tested over challenging benchmarks such as the Lorenz attractor and outperformed existing methods in terms of successful synthesis rate. The developed framework is released open-source at: https://github.com/grande-dev/Augmented-Neural-Lyapunov-Control

    Formal Synthesis of Lyapunov Neural Networks

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    We propose an automatic and formally sound method for synthesising Lyapunov functions for the asymptotic stability of autonomous non-linear systems. Traditional methods are either analytical and require manual effort or are numerical but lack of formal soundness. Symbolic computational methods for Lyapunov functions, which are in between, give formal guarantees but are typically semi-automatic because they rely on the user to provide appropriate function templates. We propose a method that finds Lyapunov functions fully automatically−-using machine learning−-while also providing formal guarantees−-using satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). We employ a counterexample-guided approach where a numerical learner and a symbolic verifier interact to construct provably correct Lyapunov neural networks (LNNs). The learner trains a neural network that satisfies the Lyapunov criteria for asymptotic stability over a samples set; the verifier proves via SMT solving that the criteria are satisfied over the whole domain or augments the samples set with counterexamples. Our method supports neural networks with polynomial activation functions and multiple depth and width, which display wide learning capabilities. We demonstrate our method over several non-trivial benchmarks and compare it favourably against a numerical optimisation-based approach, a symbolic template-based approach, and a cognate LNN-based approach. Our method synthesises Lyapunov functions faster and over wider spatial domains than the alternatives, yet providing stronger or equal guarantees

    Augmented Neural Lyapunov Control

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    Machine learning-based methodologies have recently been adapted to solve control problems. The Neural Lyapunov Control (NLC) method is one such example. This approach combines Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers to synthesise stabilising control laws and to prove their formal correctness. The ANNs are trained over a dataset of state-space samples to generate candidate control and Lyapunov functions, while the SMT solvers are tasked with certifying the correctness of the Lyapunov function over a continuous domain or by returning a counterexample. Despite the approach’s attractiveness, issues can occur due to subsequent calls of the SMT module at times returning similar counterexamples, which can turn out to be uninformative and may lead to dataset overfitting. Additionally, the control network weights are usually initialised with pre-computed gains from state-feedback controllers, e.g. Linear-Quadratic Regulators. To properly perform the initialisation requires user time and control expertise. In this work, we present an Augmented NLC method that mitigates these drawbacks, removes the need for the control initialisation and further improves counterexample generation. As a result, the proposed method allows the synthesis of nonlinear (as well as linear) control laws with the sole requirement being the knowledge of the system dynamics. The ANLC is tested over challenging benchmarks such as the Lorenz attractor and outperformed existing methods in terms of successful synthesis rate. The developed framework is released open-source at: https://github.com/grande-dev/Augmented-Neural-Lyapunov-Control

    Expression of calcium-binding proteins and selected neuropeptides in the human, chimpanzee, and crab-eating macaque claustrum

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    The claustrum is present in all mammalian species examined so far and its morphology, chemoarchitecture, physiology, phylogenesis and ontogenesis are still a matter of debate. Several morphologically distinct types of immunostained cells were described in different mammalian species. To date, a comparative study on the neurochemical organization of the human and non-human primates claustrum has not been fully described yet, partially due to technical reasons linked to the postmortem sampling interval. The present study analyze the localization and morphology of neurons expressing parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), NPY, and somatostatin (SOM) in the claustrum of man (# 5), chimpanzee (# 1) and crab-eating monkey (# 3). Immunoreactivity for the used markers was observed in neuronal cell bodies and processes distributed throughout the anterior-posterior extent of human, chimpanzee and macaque claustrum. Both CR- and PV-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were mostly localized in the central and ventral region of the claustrum of the three species while SOM- and NPY-ir neurons seemed to be equally distributed throughout the ventral-dorsal extent. In the chimpanzee claustrum SOM-ir elements were not observed. No co-localization of PV with CR was found, thus suggesting the existence of two non-overlapping populations of PV and CR-ir interneurons. The expression of most proteins (CR, PV, NPY), was similar in all species. The only exception was the absence of SOM-ir elements in the claustrum of the chimpanzee, likely due to species specific variability. Our data suggest a possible common structural organization shared with the adjacent insular region, a further element that emphasizes a possible common ontogeny of the claustrum and the neocortex

    Una prospettiva sulla spintronica. An outlook on spintronics

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    La spintronica è un nuovo campo di ricerca dell’elettronica, con grandissime potenzialità di creare dispositivi a basso consumo di potenza e maggiori performance. Nella tesi sono trattati effetti come la IEC, la GMR, la TMR, l’accoppiamento spin-orbita, la spin torque, l’effetto hall di spin. Notevoli sono le applicazioni, già presenti nel mercato, come gli hard disk, le valvole spin, o le MRAM, o in via di sviluppo, come i semiconduttori ferromagnetici, lo spin-led o lo spin-transistor. In meno di vent’anni la spintronica ha cambiato il volto dell’immagazzinamento dei dati, aprono le porte al mondo dei video digitali e di interne

    Proteins and foam in beer

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